Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Interior Update

The last two weeks has been a lot of research into how to accomplish realistic interior lighting. I focused primarily on implementing a Linear workflow with Physical sun and Sky as well as portal lights. I have brushed up on my knowledge of FG and GI which is already decent, but there is always more to learn.

This first image was with a default Red/Blue shift of 0. 

I wanted an image a bit warmer, but I think I pushed it too far in this image. In this render, I have a Red/Blue Shift of 0.4

1 comment:

  1. I don't think you necessarily pushed it too far, but it's still looking pretty monochromatic. It's really getting there, though. In an image like this you have several different light temperatures coming from different sources - the outside light will be different from the inside light; the two will mix in order to give you the correct white balance. If this were a photograph, the white balance would be difficult to attain because of the differing sources of the light - however, this difficulty and the mix of light as come to be very recognizable and defining in the "language of photography". If you vary from that too much, your image may be perfect but it will be "too perfect".

    Also, I think that the ceiling area is a little hot.

    It's looking good though - keep pushing
